The Filmaholic
The Best of SCTV

The Best of SCTV

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The Best of SCTV is a Comedy film released on 5th September 1988; Paul Flaherty and Jim Blake directed the film which stars John Candy, Martin Short, and Rick Moranis.


Guy Caballero and Edith Prickley try to persuade the FCC to renew SCTV's license.

Genres & Themes

Cast (16)

John Candy's profile
John Candy
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 37
Martin Short's profile
Martin Short
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 37
Rick Moranis's profile
Rick Moranis
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 34
Harold Ramis's profile
Harold Ramis
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 43
Catherine O'Hara's profile
Catherine O'Hara
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 33
Eugene Levy's profile
Eugene Levy
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 41
Joe Flaherty's profile
Joe Flaherty
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 46
Andrea Martin's profile
Andrea Martin
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 40
Dave Thomas's profile
Dave Thomas
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 38
Don Lake's profile
Don Lake
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 31
Linda Kash's profile
Linda Kash
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 20
Betty Thomas's profile
Betty Thomas
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 40

The Best of SCTV FAQ

When was The Best of SCTV released?

The Best of SCTV was released 36 years ago, on Monday September 5th, 1988.

The Best of SCTV Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Age During Filming

6% 20-29
38% 30-39
31% 40-49
25% Unknown

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

31% Female
69% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Neutral/Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown