The Filmaholic
There Goes My Baby

There Goes My Baby

2nd September 1994
1h 39m
Floyd Mutrux
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There Goes My Baby is a Comedy Drama film released on 2nd September 1994; Floyd Mutrux directed the film which stars Mark Ruffalo, Seymour Cassel, and Dermot Mulroney. The film was a box office failure, making a loss of $10,376,491 on its budget.


It's the summer of 1965, and the members of the graduating class of upscale Westwood High are eager to reinvent themselves. Valedictorian Mary Beth wants to attend a liberal university. Surfer bum Stick plans to enlist to fight in Vietnam. Calvin lives in the poor Watts section of Los Angeles, which is slowly erupting in violence. As the summer nights grow long, they'll all be forced to make decisions that will affect the rest of their lives.

Genres & Themes

Cast (21)

Mark Ruffalo's profile
Mark Ruffalo
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 26
Seymour Cassel's profile
Seymour Cassel
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 58
Dermot Mulroney's profile
Dermot Mulroney
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 30
Paul Gleason's profile
Paul Gleason
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 54
Sal Lopez's profile
Sal Lopez
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 39
Frederick Coffin's profile
Frederick Coffin
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 50
Shannon Wilcox's profile
Shannon Wilcox
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 50
Noah Wyle's profile
Noah Wyle
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 22
J.E. Freeman's profile
J.E. Freeman
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 47
Janet MacLachlan's profile
Janet MacLachlan
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 60
Ricky Schroder's profile
Ricky Schroder
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 23
Kristin Minter's profile
Kristin Minter
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 28
Ele Keats's profile
Ele Keats
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 20
Andrew Robinson's profile
Andrew Robinson
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 51
Kelli Williams's profile
Kelli Williams
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 23
Jill Schoelen's profile
Jill Schoelen
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 30
Lucy Deakins
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 22

There Goes My Baby FAQ

When was There Goes My Baby released?

There Goes My Baby was released 30 years ago, on Friday September 2nd, 1994.

How much did There Goes My Baby cost to make?

The budget was $10,500,000.

How much money did There Goes My Baby make?

The worldwide revenue was $123,509.

There Goes My Baby Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Age During Filming

33% 20-29
14% 30-39
5% 40-49
24% 50-59
5% 60-69
19% Unknown

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

43% Female
57% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Neutral/Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown