The Filmaholic
Jeff Morris

Jeff Morris

Born on 20th September 1934. Died in 2004 aged 69 years old.
You've seen -- of his 11 trackable films

Jeff Morris was an actor with a career spanning 36 years, from 1962 to 1998, starting at the age of 28. His first film was Kid Galahad and his last film was Susan's Plan. A lot of his work was in the Drama and Crime genres.

Known For


Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Susan's Plan poster Susan's Plan 1998 1h 29m
The Crossing Guard poster The Crossing Guard 1995 1h 51m
The Two Jakes poster The Two Jakes 1990 2h 17m
Freeway Maniac poster Freeway Maniac 1989 1h 35m
Ironweed poster Ironweed 1987 2h 23m
The Border poster The Border 1982 1h 48m
The Blues Brothers poster The Blues Brothers 1980 2h 13m
Goin' South poster Goin' South 1978 1h 49m
The Gauntlet poster The Gauntlet 1977 1h 49m
Kelly's Heroes poster Kelly's Heroes 1970 2h 24m
Kid Galahad poster Kid Galahad 1962 1h 35m

Regularly Credited With

Jack Nicholson's profile
Jack Nicholson
5 films together
Clint Eastwood's profile
Clint Eastwood
2 films together
Harvey Keitel's profile
Harvey Keitel
2 films together
Dan Aykroyd's profile
Dan Aykroyd
2 films together
Tom Waits
Tom Waits
2 films together
Dean Hill
Dean Hill
2 films together
John Landis's profile
John Landis
2 films together
Shepherd Sanders's profile
Shepherd Sanders
2 films together
Richard Bradford's profile
Richard Bradford
2 films together


His Top Genres 1
21% Drama
+ 28 more
His Top Years
10% 1998
+ 10 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Jeff Morris FAQ

How old was Jeff Morris when he died?

69 years old.

When was Jeff Morris born?

20th September 1934

Where was Jeff Morris born?

His birth place is unknown at this time.

Has Jeff Morris won an Oscar?

No, he never won an Oscar.

Has Jeff Morris won a BAFTA?

No, he never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Jeff Morris?

He was Caucasian.