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3rd July 1981
1h 36m
Chuck Vincent

C.O.D. is a 1981 Comedy film released on 3rd July; Chuck Vincent directed the film which stars Joanne Baron, Dan Lauria, and Samantha Fox.


Albert Zack is a struggling, bumbling, advertising salesman hired to save the Beaver Bra Company from impending doom. He is charged with signing five specific, world-famous, busty woman as endorsers for the bra line. Silly antics and situations occur as he tries, mostly in various costumes, to get close enough to these women to make his pitch for their signature. Working against him are two board members who stand to gain if the company fails. As he circles the globe in search of these signatures, he is faced with a variety of challenges, one of which is a relationship with his own secretary.

Genres & Themes

Cast (64)

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Production Companies

Geiselgasteig Film Metro-Film

C.O.D. Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Ages At Time of Filming

3% 13-19
9% 20-29
8% 30-39
3% 50-59
2% 60-69
75% Unknown

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

31% Female
69% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Neutral/Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown


When was C.O.D. released?

C.O.D. was released on Friday July 3rd, 1981.