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Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall)

Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall) is a 2018 Drama Mystery film released on 18th January; Nicolás Gil Lavedra directed the film which stars Santiago Segura, Oscar Martínez, and Sara Sálamo.


When the beautiful Leonor arrives at the architecture studio Borla y Asociados looking for Nelson Jara, both Mario Borla and his partner Marta Hovart and Pablo Simó, the building's oldest architect, claim to ignore that name completely. But they all lie. The truth begins to unravel through the memories of Pablo Simó. Pablo should carry out the unpleasant job of dealing with Nelson Jara, an indignant owner of the building adjoining a work of the studio, damaged by a crack in the wall of his living room caused by an error in the construction. But the fear and nervousness that provokes in the three involved the arrival of Leonor and her question "what happened to Nelson Jara?" Show something much darker and more suspicious. (FILMAFFINITY)

Cast (8)

Santiago Segura's profile Santiago Segura
Age at Filming ≈ 52
Oscar Martínez's profile Oscar Martínez
Age at Filming ≈ 68
Sara Sálamo's profile Sara Sálamo
Age at Filming ≈ 25
Soledad Villamil
Age at Filming ≈ 48
Joaquín Furriel
Age at Filming ≈ 43
Laura Novoa
Age at Filming ≈ 48

Watch Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall) (2018) online

Updated: 22nd Jan 2024, 8:26pm. Data from JustWatch.

Production Companies

INCAA Telefe Film Suez Benteveo MyS Producción Royal Cinema Group DK Group Bowfinger Non Stop

Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall) Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Ages At Time of Filming

13% 20-29
38% 40-49
13% 50-59
13% 60-69
25% Unknown

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

50% Female
50% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Neutral/Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown

Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall) FAQ

When was Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall) released?

Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall) was released on Thursday January 18th, 2018.

Is Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall) on Netflix?

No, Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall) is not currently available on Netflix in the United States

Is Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall) on Amazon Prime?

No, Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall) is not currently available on Amazon Prime in the United States

Is Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall) on Disney Plus?

No, Dark Buildings (A Crack in the Wall) is not currently available on Disney+ in the United States