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The Filmaholic

Dear Frankie

18th May 2004
1h 45m
Shona Auerbach

Dear Frankie is a 2004 Family Drama film released on 18th May; Shona Auerbach directed the film which stars Gerard Butler, Emily Mortimer, and Cal MacAninch.

Rotten Tomatoes

Nine-year-old Frankie and his single mum Lizzie have been on the move ever since Frankie can remember, most recently arriving in a seaside Scottish town. Wanting to protect her deaf son from the truth that they've run away from his father, Lizzie has invented a story that he is away at sea on the HMS Accra. Every few weeks, Lizzie writes Frankie a make-believe letter from his father, telling of his adventures in exotic lands. As Frankie tracks the ship's progress around the globe, he discovers that it is due to dock in his hometown. With the real HMS Accra arriving in only a fortnight, Lizzie must choose between telling Frankie the truth or finding the perfect stranger to play Frankie's father for just one day...

If you started watching this film now, it would finish at approximately 12:34am.

Cast (14)

Gerard Butler's profile Gerard Butler
Age at Filming ≈ 34
Emily Mortimer's profile Emily Mortimer
Age at Filming ≈ 32
Cal MacAninch's profile Cal MacAninch
Age at Filming ≈ 34
Katy Murphy
Age at Filming ≈ 40
Sharon Small
Age at Filming ≈ 36
Jayd Johnson
Age at Filming ≈ 23

Watch Dear Frankie (2004) online

Updated: 15th Jan 2024, 9:37pm

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Production Companies

Inside Track Pathé Pictures International Scorpio Films Scottish Screen Sigma Films

Dear Frankie Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Ages At Time of Filming

7% 20-29
29% 30-39
7% 40-49
57% Unknown

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

64% Female
36% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown

Dear Frankie FAQ

When was Dear Frankie released?

Dear Frankie was released on Tuesday May 18th, 2004.

How much money did Dear Frankie make?

The worldwide revenue was $1,656,829.

Is Dear Frankie on Netflix?

No, Dear Frankie is not currently available on Netflix in the United States

Is Dear Frankie on Amazon Prime?

No, Dear Frankie is not currently available on Amazon Prime in the United States

Is Dear Frankie on Disney Plus?

No, Dear Frankie is not currently available on Disney+ in the United States