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Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard

16th March 1967
1h 44m
André Hunebelle

Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard is a 1967 Adventure Comedy film released on 16th March; André Hunebelle directed the film which stars Dominique Zardi, Jacques Dynam, and Roland Giraud.


In the third and final episode of the trilogy, Fantômas imposes a head tax on the rich, threatening to kill those who do not comply.

Cast (25)

Dominique Zardi's profile Dominique Zardi
Age at Filming ≈ 36
Jacques Dynam
Age at Filming ≈ 43
Roland Giraud's profile Roland Giraud
Age at Filming ≈ 24
Louis de Funès
Age at Filming ≈ 52
Paul Pavel
Age at Filming ≈ 46
Raymond Pellegrin
Age at Filming ≈ 41
Hubert de Lapparent's profile Hubert de Lapparent
Age at Filming ≈ 47
Jean Marais
Age at Filming ≈ 53
Mylène Demongeot
Age at Filming ≈ 31
Henri Attal's profile Henri Attal
Age at Filming ≈ 30
Robert Dalban's profile Robert Dalban
Age at Filming ≈ 63
Roger Trapp's profile Roger Trapp
Age at Filming ≈ 34
Jean Ozenne
Age at Filming ≈ 68
Henri Serre's profile Henri Serre
Age at Filming ≈ 35
Jean-Roger Caussimon
Age at Filming ≈ 48
Max Montavon
Age at Filming ≈ 40
Françoise Christophe
Age at Filming ≈ 43
Michel Thomass
Age at Filming ≈ 61
Antoine Baud
Age at Filming ≈ 41
Guy Delorme
Age at Filming ≈ 37
Rita Renoir
Age at Filming ≈ 32
Rico López
Age at Filming ≈ 38
André Dumas
Age at Filming ≈ 45

Watch Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard (1967) online

Updated: 18th Jan 2024, 1:16pm. Data from JustWatch.

Kino Now

Production Companies

Société Nouvelle de Cinématographie P.A.C. Fair Film Gaumont International

Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Ages At Time of Filming

4% 20-29
32% 30-39
36% 40-49
8% 50-59
12% 60-69
8% Unknown

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

12% Female
88% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Neutral/Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown

Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard FAQ

When was Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard released?

Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard was released on Thursday March 16th, 1967.

Is Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard on Netflix?

No, Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard is not currently available on Netflix in the United States

Is Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard on Amazon Prime?

No, Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard is not currently available on Amazon Prime in the United States

Is Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard on Disney Plus?

No, Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard is not currently available on Disney+ in the United States