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The Filmaholic
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1st August 1987
1h 47m
Seijiro Koyama

Hachi-ko is a 1987 Family Drama film released on 1st August; Seijiro Koyama directed the film which stars Tatsuya Nakadai, Taiji Tonoyama, and Hisashi Igawa.


The tragic, true story about Hachikō, an Akita dog who was loyal to his master, Professor Ueno, even after Ueno's death.

Cast (16)

Tatsuya Nakadai
Age at Filming ≈ 54
Taiji Tonoyama
Age at Filming ≈ 71
Hisashi Igawa's profile Hisashi Igawa
Age at Filming ≈ 50
Kaoru Yachigusa
Age at Filming ≈ 55
Yoshi Katō
Age at Filming ≈ 73
Hairi Katagiri's profile Hairi Katagiri
Age at Filming ≈ 23
Shigeru Izumiya
Age at Filming ≈ 38
Kei Yamamoto
Age at Filming ≈ 46
Kumeko Urabe
Age at Filming ≈ 84
Saburo Ishikura
Age at Filming ≈ 40
Masumi Harukawa
Age at Filming ≈ 51
Chōei Takahashi
Age at Filming ≈ 44
Shiro Kishibe
Age at Filming ≈ 37
Toshirō Yanagiba
Age at Filming ≈ 25
Takahiro Tamura
Age at Filming ≈ 58

Watch Hachi-ko (1987) online

Updated: 18th Jan 2024, 1:18pm. Data from JustWatch.

Sorry, it doesn't look like there are any streaming options in your region currently, but you might find it on Amazon to rent or buy.

Production Companies

Mitsui Company Ltd. Tokyu Group Shochiku

Hachi-ko Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Ages At Time of Filming

13% 20-29
13% 30-39
19% 40-49
31% 50-59
13% 70-79
6% 80-89
6% Unknown

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

25% Female
75% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Neutral/Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown

Hachi-ko FAQ

When was Hachi-ko released?

Hachi-ko was released on Saturday August 1st, 1987.

Is Hachi-ko on Netflix?

No, Hachi-ko is not currently available on Netflix in the United States

Is Hachi-ko on Amazon Prime?

No, Hachi-ko is not currently available on Amazon Prime in the United States

Is Hachi-ko on Disney Plus?

No, Hachi-ko is not currently available on Disney+ in the United States