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The Cannibal in the Jungle

The Cannibal in the Jungle is a 2015 Crime Horror film released on 27th April; George Simon directed the film which stars Richard Brake, Kerry Shale, and Jim Sturgeon.


An American scientist who was convicted of killing and cannibalizing two colleagues in the jungles of Flores, Indonesia in 1977. Branded "The American Cannibal" by the press during his trial, Dr. Timothy Darrow defended himself by claiming a mythic human-ape creature was responsible for the murders. The news outlet documented an indigenous tribe on Flores, the very same island where the hobbit remains were discovered, which had its own accounts of little wild men that stood just over three feet tall, climbed trees, walked on two feet and thrived on cannibalism. And according to the local legend, those creatures may never have died out at all. Follow an expedition team deep into the heart of Flores Island to investigate Dr. Timothy Darrow's claims and find out once and for all if hobbits still exist in the deepest, most remote realms of the Indonesian jungle.

Cast (13)

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Updated: 12th Jan 2024, 2:36pm. Data from JustWatch.

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Production Companies

Animal Planet

The Cannibal in the Jungle Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Ages At Time of Filming

15% 50-59
15% 60-69
69% Unknown

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

8% Female
92% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Neutral/Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown

The Cannibal in the Jungle FAQ

When was The Cannibal in the Jungle released?

The Cannibal in the Jungle was released 9 years ago, on Monday April 27th, 2015.