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Ticking Clock

4th January 2011
1h 41m
Ernie Barbarash

Ticking Clock is a 2011 Crime Action film released on 4th January; Ernie Barbarash directed the film which stars Cuba Gooding Jr., David Jensen, and Neal McDonough.


A reporter stumbles upon the journal of a murderer with plans to butcher specific girls, and he begins to investigates on his own, and finding that every trail leads to a 9-year-old orphan living in a group home.

Cast (27)

Cuba Gooding Jr.'s profile Cuba Gooding Jr.
Age at Filming ≈ 42
David Jensen's profile David Jensen
Age at Filming ≈ 58
Neal McDonough's profile Neal McDonough
Age at Filming ≈ 44
J.D. Evermore's profile J.D. Evermore
Age at Filming ≈ 42
James DuMont's profile James DuMont
Age at Filming ≈ 45
Dane Rhodes's profile Dane Rhodes
Age at Filming ≈ 35
Danielle Nicolet's profile Danielle Nicolet
Age at Filming ≈ 37
Yancey Arias's profile Yancey Arias
Age at Filming ≈ 39
John Edward Lee's profile John Edward Lee
Age at Filming ≈ 29
Austin Abrams's profile Austin Abrams
Age at Filming ≈ 14
Nicki Aycox's profile Nicki Aycox
Age at Filming ≈ 35
Michael Dardant
Age at Filming ≈ 34
Adrianne Frost
Age at Filming ≈ 38
Gaven Tomas' Brooks
Age at Filming ≈ 13

Watch Ticking Clock (2011) online

Updated: 23rd Jan 2024, 4:32pm. Data from JustWatch.

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Ticking Clock Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Ages At Time of Filming

7% 13-19
4% 20-29
22% 30-39
15% 40-49
4% 50-59
48% Unknown

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

30% Female
70% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Neutral/Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown

Ticking Clock FAQ

When was Ticking Clock released?

Ticking Clock was released on Tuesday January 4th, 2011.

How much did Ticking Clock cost to make?

The budget was $6,000,000.

Is Ticking Clock on Netflix?

No, Ticking Clock is not currently available on Netflix in the United States

Is Ticking Clock on Amazon Prime?

No, Ticking Clock is not currently available on Amazon Prime in the United States

Is Ticking Clock on Disney Plus?

No, Ticking Clock is not currently available on Disney+ in the United States