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You'll Die at Midnight

3rd May 1986
1h 28m
Lamberto Bava

You'll Die at Midnight is a 1986 Horror Mystery film released on 3rd May; Lamberto Bava directed the film which stars Lara Wendel, Giuseppe Marrocco, and Dino Conti.


Nicola, a cop, spies on his wife Sarah buying sexy black panties and realises that she is having an affair. Following a violent confrontation, he leaves her. Immediately after, whilst taking a shower, Sarah is stabbed to death with an icepick. Believing it to be an simple crime of passion, the police assign Inspector Pierro Terzi to bring his former colleague in. But Professor Anna Berardi, a criminal pyschologist who is friends with both men, believes the Nicola is innocent. She suggests that the real killer is Franco Tribbo, a maniac known as "The Midnight Killer" who supposedly died in a hospital fire several years previously. Terzi is not conviced but Nicola is killed and the murders continue...

Cast (18)

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Production Companies

Reteitalia Dania Film

You'll Die at Midnight Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Ages At Time of Filming

22% 20-29
17% 30-39
6% 40-49
56% Unknown

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

44% Female
56% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Neutral/Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown

You'll Die at Midnight FAQ

When was You'll Die at Midnight released?

You'll Die at Midnight was released on Saturday May 3rd, 1986.