The Filmaholic
Elena Irureta

Elena Irureta

69 years old. Born in Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, País Vasco, Spain on 30th July 1955.
You've seen -- of her 9 trackable films

Elena Irureta is an actress with a career spanning 29 years, from 1993 to 2022, starting at the age of 38. Her first film was The Red Squirrel and her latest film was Can't Live Without You. A lot of her work has been in the Drama and Comedy genres.

Character Images

Known For


Released Films (9)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Can't Live Without You poster Can't Live Without You 2022 1h 30m
Ghost Graduation poster Ghost Graduation 2012 1h 28m
Aupa Etxebeste! poster Aupa Etxebeste! 2005 1h 37m
Take My Eyes poster Take My Eyes 2003 1h 49m
I Will Survive poster I Will Survive 1999 1h 42m
Flowers From Another World poster Flowers From Another World 1999 1h 48m
Airbag poster Airbag 1997 2h 5m
The Dead Mother poster The Dead Mother
as Director Woman
1993 1h 52m
Plex Channel
The Red Squirrel poster The Red Squirrel 1993 1h 54m

Regularly Credited With

Karra Elejalde's profile
Karra Elejalde
3 films together
Luis Tosar's profile
Luis Tosar
3 films together
Rubén Ochandiano
Rubén Ochandiano
2 films together
Alberto San Juan
Alberto San Juan
2 films together
Ramón Barea
Ramón Barea
2 films together
Antonio de la Torre's profile
Antonio de la Torre
2 films together
Susana García Díez's profile
Susana García Díez
2 films together
Manuel Manquiña
Manuel Manquiña
2 films together


Her Top Genres 1
36% Drama
+ 16 more
Her Top Years
23% 1999
+ 6 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Elena Irureta FAQ

How old is Elena Irureta?

69 years old.

When was Elena Irureta born?

30th July 1955

Where was Elena Irureta born?

Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, País Vasco, Spain

Has Elena Irureta won an Oscar?

No, up to this point she has never won an Oscar.

Has Elena Irureta won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point she has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Elena Irureta?

She is Caucasian.