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The Filmaholic
Kristian Alfonso

Kristian Alfonso

61 years old. Born in Brockton, Massachusetts, USA on 5th September 1963.
You've seen -- of her 5 trackable films

Kristian Alfonso is an actress with a career spanning 40 years, from 1981 to 2021, starting at the age of 18. Her first film was The Star Maker and her latest film was V.C. Andrews' Hidden Jewel. A lot of her work has been in the Drama and Thriller genres.


Released Films (5)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
V.C. Andrews' Hidden Jewel poster V.C. Andrews' Hidden Jewel 2021 1h 30m
Lifetime Movie Club Apple TV Channel
Lifetime Movie Club Amazon Channel
V.C. Andrews' All That Glitters poster V.C. Andrews' All That Glitters 2021 1h 30m
Lifetime Movie Club Apple TV Channel
Lifetime Movie Club Amazon Channel
Blindfold: Acts of Obsession poster Blindfold: Acts of Obsession 1994 1h 33m
Joshua Tree poster Joshua Tree 1993 1h 46m
The Star Maker poster The Star Maker 1981 3h 12m

Regularly Credited With

Raechelle Banno's profile
Raechelle Banno
2 films together
Sam Duke
Sam Duke
2 films together
Ty Wood
Ty Wood
2 films together
Karina Banno's profile
Karina Banno
2 films together
Crystal R. Fox's profile
Crystal R. Fox
2 films together
Tess Atkins's profile
Tess Atkins
2 films together
Melanie Griffith's profile
Melanie Griffith
1 film together
Dolph Lundgren's profile
Dolph Lundgren
1 film together
Al Leong's profile
Al Leong
1 film together


Her Top Genres 1
38% Drama
+ 7 more
Her Top Years
40% 2021
+ 3 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Kristian Alfonso FAQ

How old is Kristian Alfonso?

61 years old.

When was Kristian Alfonso born?

5th September 1963

Where was Kristian Alfonso born?

Brockton, Massachusetts, USA

Has Kristian Alfonso won an Oscar?

No, up to this point she has never won an Oscar.

Has Kristian Alfonso won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point she has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Kristian Alfonso?

She is Caucasian.